Tuesday 21 June 2011

Jasper Jones

Can we pleeease talk about Jasper Jones?!?! Pleease!

I just finished reading it (by Craig Silvey) and adored it. Winner of the Indie Book Of The Year Award 2009, this book needs to be read by more people!
Its funny, witty and best described as a modern day To Kill A Mockingbird. Who didn't love that one!

I want Jeffrey Lu as my best friend, who wouldn't with talks like these ...

'We discuss the merits of nipples on men, and decide there are no earthly purpose for them.' (p. 153)

'Cheeses Christ, its goingt to be a nightmare. Everything he cooks feels like phlegm and tastes like pus that's been soaked in brine. Salted pus, Chuck....Chuck, I bid you a jew. And I owe your revior.' (p. 155)

With 14 loans we need to get more people to read a copy....come in today to borrow it... It's worth it!
ps. We also have a book club set for all you Book Clubers out there.


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