Thursday, 7 June 2012

Good writers suck.

My brain does not work I am not cut out for blogging... well, properly anyway.
The reason my brain isn't working is because I was up late last night at some ridiculous hour reading a book. I'm currently reading Bitterblue, the third book in its series. I thought to myself yesterday evening, hey why don't I read for a couple of minutes? It couldn't hurt. So I did. But a couple of minutes turned into half an hour, half an hour turned into two hours, and before I knew it, it was half past one in the morning. I didn't want to stop reading, either, because the way Bitterblue is written is so great and enthralling, it just draws you in and makes you curious, wanting to know more when you finish each chapter.
This is both a great and annoying thing, because I love how an author is able to write so well and get me so caught up in their story that I stay awake for hours on end to read page after page, but it also gets slightly irritating when you have to go into school the next morning, glaring and zombie-like, dragging your body and mind through the day hoping that the next class is uncovered so you can sleep finally.
So I've come to a conclusion. Good writers suck, because they theive me of my sleep and I enjoy it. Then the eventual withdrawal symptoms of a great book start to kick in, and I conciously decide to let the author steal away my precious hours of nap time just so I can know what happens after a stupid cliffhanger.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and sleep for three days. Or I could go finish Bitterblue.
- Jess

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